Aim of the training
The training on Free access to access to public information is the first training organized on this this topic and it is intended for entities that are holders of public information - municipalities, public enterprises, joint stock companies and schools. It aims to explain the rights and obligations of holders of public information (especially municipalities, joint-stock companies, schools and public enterprises) in terms of classifying which information is public and what is the procedure when that kind of information on request of the citizens.
Target groups
- Authorized persons for free access to public information
- Directors/Managers
- Secretaries
- Employees in the legal sector
- Employees in the human resources department
Dr. Gjorgi Slamkov is a university professor and expert in the field of rule of law, human rights and anti-corruption policies. Slamkov is the former President of the Agency for Free Access to Public Information.
Dr. Biljana Gjozinska is a professor in the field of law, with many years of managerial experience and an expert in the field of copyright and intellectual property rights.
Training details
Date and place: May 30, 2023; Institute for Applied Business Research in Skopje
Time: 11.00 - 15.00 h.
Registration fee: 4000 MKD per participant. The payment can be by invoice or payment slip.
Deadline for registration: May 26 2023. Register at the following email contact@iarb.edu.mk