Biljana Gjozinska

    Biljana Gjozinska is PhD in Law and Senior Research Scientist/Associate Professor at the Institute for Applied Research for Business. The focus of her professional interest is in the field of Business Law and EU Law. She is a licensed expert in the field of copyright and industrial property rights.

PhD Gjozinska has 16 years of experience in higher education, with 5 years at faculty managerial position as well. She has great experience as an institutional project coordinator, financial coordinator and as a senior researcher in many international projects from IPA, CEI and Erasmus+ programs related to entrepreneurship, circular economy, development of innovative pilot models for learning and teaching and development of business simulation software. Dr.Gjozinska has experience as a researcher in the Erasmus+ project dedicated to the Economics of sustainability and within this project is a co-author of three chapters of the university textbook Economics of Sustainability, published at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. Also, Dr. Gjozinska has experience in non-formal education as a trainer in many trainings and workshops in the field of law and the project cycle.