Adrijana Bulevska Zarikj

    Adrijana Bulevska Zarikj is PhD in Economy, in the field of Financial Management and Research Scientist/Docent at the Institute for Applied Research for Business. The scientific and professional focus of her interest is in the field of financial management, finance and accounting. She has more than 10 years’ experience in higher education, and more than 17 years in practicing finance and accounting in the business sector.

She has an experience as a project manager and a researcher in many national and international projects from Erasmus +, World Bank and Civica Mobilitas programs for implementation of innovative teaching methods, projects for improving the students soft skills and their financial literacy as well. In a project from the EIDHR program, she has an experience as a trainer for qualification and prequalification of already employed people for enhancing their capacity and advancement at their job positions. Dr. Bulevska Zarikj has an expert's license in the field of Finance and accounting, issued by the Ministry of Justice and has extensive experience in expert witnessing for court cases in the relevant field.