Lobbying is a sensitive area because it takes very little for it to turn into corruption. That's why we need mechanisms for both control of lobbyists and supervision of the lobbied. Illegal lobbying directly leads to corruption in the decision-making process.
- How to distinguish between lobbying and illegal influence?
- Who and for what can be a lobbyist in the local self-government?
- What obligations do the bodies of the local self-government unit have in case of lobbying?
- How should the responsible person in the local government act in case of lobbying?
- Has the local self-government unit adopted an Internal act on lobbying?
Who is responsible if no Internal Act has been adopted?
If you do not know the answer to any of these questions, we invite you to a CONSULTATION on LOBBYING PROCEDURE IN LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT ACCORDING TO THE NEW LAW ON LOBBYING.
Who is it for?
- Mayor
- Secretary of a municipality
- Managers in local self-government units
- Other elected and appointed persons
- Representatives of the business sector
Purpose of counseling
Lobbying is an activity with the aim of influencing the processes of preparation, adoption and amendment of laws, by-laws or other general acts and public policies or programs, especially when those policies or programs relate to spatial and urban planning, development and allocation or distribution of public funds.
This advisory aims to explain in the simplest way the procedure of lobbying in the local self-government, defining what can be the subject of lobbying in the local self-government, who can be a lobbyist and how the responsible person, the secretaries or other appointed or elected persons in local self-government should act in case of lobbying. Furthermore, the legal obligations of the local self-government units in relation to determining the rules of lobbying will be explained, and in this connection, a reference will be made to the misdemeanor and criminal liability related to the issues of lobbying and illegal influence.
In order to simplify the understanding of this complex issue, during the consultation, a brief review will be made of the way of regulating the same in international frameworks and examples found in other countries, related to this problem.
- Lobbying procedure in local self-government according to the new Law on Lobbying
- What can be the subject of lobbying in the local government?
- Who is being lobbied?
- What is the difference between lobbying and illegal influence?
- What should the Internal Act contain and who is responsible for its adoption?
- Criminal responsibility for the responsible person in the local self-government unit for non-fulfillment of obligations according to the Law on Lobbying
- Is there criminal liability and for whom?
- Entities that may be lobbyists
- Lobbying in other countries
Considering that despite the fact that the new Law on Lobbying is already in force, the matter of lobbying is quite unknown, with a negative perception of lobbying and its mixing with illegal influence, we invite you to participate in this consultation, which is one of the few this topic will be held by experts specialized in the topic.
Dr. Gjorgi SLAMKOV is a university professor and expert in the field of anti-corruption policies and the rule of law. He has expert experience in several national and international projects in the area of anti-corruption. Dr. Slamkov is the former president of the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption and the former president of the Commission for the Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information.
Dr. Biljana GJOZINSKA is a university professor and expert in the field of European Union Law and International Business Law. Dr. Gjozinska focuses her professional interest on various aspects of regulation that affect business entities.
Method of implementation
The counseling will be conducted online, through the ZOOM platform, for which each participant must have an electronic device (computer, tablet, mobile).
Price and payment method
The price for participation in counseling for one person is 2900 denars. For registered three or more participants from the same legal entity, there is a 30% discount on the total amount. Payment is made on the basis of a pro-invoice no later than January 23, 2023.
Each participant will receive a CERTIFICATE for participation and materials from the counseling.
Registration deadline for the training is January 23, 2023.
If you are interested in participating, sign up at the following link: https://iarb.edu.mk/obuki/
Additional information about email counseling: contact@iarb.edu.mk